Fabric-Paint, Print and Watercolour Techniques.
Arts 1730
July 3rd – 7th 2023
If you have Colour Vie Dyes, please bring them with you.

Painted Floor Cloths – Art You Can Walk On
Arts 151
July 10th – 7th 2023
Paint a canvas floor cloth that becomes a decorative, hardwearing, washable alternative to carpet. Floor cloths were the forerunners of decorated linoleum. Experiment with a beautiful palette of colour; from intense, brilliant primaries, to soft summer hues and various textures. Using a simple technique, design a stencil for animal footprints, tribal motifs, fish, birds, patterns and textures. Paint cascading flowers, or print real leaf prints, rag roses, dots and stripes. Floor cloths make wonderful placemats, pet mats, and boot trays, and can be used everywhere drips happen since they can be wiped clean. Personal attention and group demonstrations will assist you in designing and creating your project. In addition, you will be guided through the process to develop a confident, creative working approach to any art media.

Summerhouse Studio Workshops
12 Front Street. Rockport ON
K0E 1V0
In the 1000 Islands
Frontenac Arch-Biosphere Reserve.
Please contact by phone 613-659-3415or Email for more information.